Basecase Demo Apps

BaseCase Demo Apps #

2019, Berlin

Client #

BaseCase GmbH #

BaseCase is a drag-and-drop platform to create interactive online content. With BaseCase the user is able to integrate UI elements and realize dynamic calculations on the screen.

Role #

As UX/UI Designer I contributed to this project being responsible for the design and implementation of a line of demos that built the BaseCase Demo Apps Library. This library was a collection of demos are interactive presentations that showcase the capabilities of the BaseCase platform as a data visualization tool.

Brief #

Each one of these applications were built based upon requests and needs from the Customer Success (CS) Team. For each app, the CS Team would provide a list of functionalities and rough ideas about the UX of the tool. After brief team discussions and brainstorming, I would make the final decisions to translate our ideas into user-friendly intereactive tools that follow the UX/UI principles.

BC Demo Apps Brief


Powerpoint Slides #

explaining app requirements


Brainstorming UX #

wireframing and sketching on paper


UI design choices #

experiment with product’s corporate identity for a balanced UI


UX/UI implementation #

using BaseCase to obtain the final product